This is a list of all the regulations issued by the Reserve Bank of India along with detailed analysis and summary. You can search for a regulation by its code, title, or summary.
Our detailed analysis is based on the original PDF and other documents linked from the RBI website. Further, we have created a summary of the regulation so that you don't have to read the entire document to understand the regulation.
NOTE: This website is in active development. We are adding more data, fixing bugs and improving the UI. There are a lot of errors in the data and summaries as they have been added for testing purposes. Do not use this for any important purposes, FOR NOW!
Regulation Code | Title | Summary |
RBI/2024-25/DOR.STR.REC./21.04.048/2024-25 | Draft Circular - Regulatory Principles for Management of Model Risks in Credit |
This draft circular outlines regulatory principles for managing model risks in credit used by regulated entities. It addresses the need for a robust validation mechanism, comprehensive understanding, and appropriate governance to mitigate risks associated with model uncertainties.
RBI/2011-12/59 DBOD.No.Dir.BC. 6/13.03.00/2011-12 | Master Circular: Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions |
This Master Circular consolidates the instructions issued by the Reserve Bank of India to banks on statutory and other restrictions on Loans and Advances.